Thursday, January 7, 2010

My far!

First a disclaimer if you will: I am not a writer not even close I am still trying to figure out why I am even doing a blog !!!!! All I can come up with is God has a plan!!!! I hope he tells me what to write and checks my spelling and grammar because I just got this Mac computer and I don't even know how to use it...loll.. for real and you may even catch me using texting code or abbreviations..why...well cuz that's what I do ....TEXT...LOL..So I also will not promise I will blog everyday or even every week like a good blogger does because I am not a blogger........yet...I guess. Okay it just hit me I think this blog thing started when I watched Julie and Julia is it Julie or Jules whatever but I loved the movie and thought a friend of mine should do a blog because she is a real writer and she could really benefit from it. I however just thought it would be a fun way to minister to some women and mainly my beloved ladies from my bible study that I miss so much back at my home church Cornerstone!!!!! I feel so used by him when I am at bible study ....those women minister to me so very much...and I want to share some craft ideas if I get one that is worth I go with my text lingo...Also I hope to target some stay at home mom's who struggle with time management not that I have any solutions hoping to get some wisdom from you as well. I am trying to figure out some better time management skills with my daily quiet time , dispersing time for each child , husband , housework, and well you get the idea...So help me out with some suggestions. If the Lord gives me a word or thought and you can handle my run on sentences and bad grammar then stick around....Well this is my first official blog !! I am excited !!!! I might even go put on my new trenchcoat I got on clearance and put my computer in Jason's (my husband) briefcase put my high heels on and walk around the house like a real professional because for some reason I feel professional....don't ask me probally wouldn't even be phased by this behavior because he is so engrossed in the National Championship college football game! Go Texas!


  1. WOW, you really blew my miind with this blogging. I am so proud of you and I will look forward to reading what you share. Are you willing to personally teach me some of the great crafty things you know how to do? Still not sure where you got such talent. Love MOM

  2. not sure if you like the design or not. i was just trying to get something done. i had no luck finding a flor de lis design. :( let me know if you find something you like & I can change it.
