Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Wilderness

So I am doing this bible study by Pricilla Shirer ....I know what some of you might be thinking and yes I do do studies that are not Beth So this study is called One in a million and it is based on Exodus about the Israelites and the journey God took them on in "wilderness" very appropriate for this season of my life. So today she talked about how the Lord positioned them for a miracle...He brought them through the wilderness not by accident Pricilla says but on purpose. I was thinking of some of the miracles the Lord has done in my life and what was the situation prior to the miracle almost every single situation I was in a season of wilderness. For instance, when my marriage was failing and I kept thinking what is going on Lord? Why is this happening ? Another thing would happen that would seem worst than the original situation and I would think wait Lord we are going in the wrong direction here . I felt so powerless and out of control and the reality was ...I WAS powerless and had no control and that is when the Lord's strength and power takes over (2 corinth 12:9-10). Now looking back at what seemed to the outside world a very hopeless situation the Lord knew he was positioning me for a miracle. Pricilla also had us read the story of Jonah and what a great story that is and how the Lord allowed the hard circumstances to take place and then "BAM" the fish vomited Jonah out...Hello.. a miracle ...she names other examples as well but I really liked this one and thought to myself how many times do I feel a situation has swallowed me whole? in Jonah 2:5 it says" the engulfing waters threatened me , and deep surrounded me; seaweed was wrapped around my head." How many of feel the financial situation wrapped tightly around your head or the diagnosis wrapped tightly around your head .Or just simply that you may be feeling that you are surrounded by the deep.Whatever our wilderness or circumstance is right now the Lord is preparing to grow us and I believe positioning us for a miracle to show us his GLORY!!!!! Whether its him using this to draw us closer or deliver us from a stronghold or reveal himself to us in a new way or bring us to a whole new deeper level with him what ever it is it is gonna be goooood. Thank you Lord and so today in the midst of my wilderness ...hallelujah....I am anxiously awaiting my miracle !! Our God is WILLING and ABLE. Just thought I would share that ...
For His Glory,


  1. Les, that was such a good word. I hope you take time to write b/c I know God can use you to bless many. Love the pics of the furniture, what about those beautiful pillows? Love ya

